The AAC encourages student membership in the association. With an annual student membership, students are offered:
subscription to World Aquaculture,
reduced subscription rates for Northern Aquaculture & Hatchery International,
reduced registration fees at AAC and WAS conferences,
access to scholarships and awards, and
networking opportunities with primary aquaculture industry and regulatory representatives from across Canada and elsewhere.
Student Endowment Fund
As part of its mandate, the AAC is strongly committed to student development in sustainable aquaculture. To enable this support, the AAC holds a Student Endowment Fund from which student awards such as travel awards to attend the annual conference, presentation awards and student scholarships are funded.
The AAC extends much thanks and gratitude for those who contribute to the Student Endowment Fund, as well as those who volunteer at the annual conference to judge student presentations.
Dr. Joe Brown BBQ
The Annual Student BBQ, renamed the Dr. Joe Brown BBQ after his passing in 2005, is an event that is in the true spirit of Joe – an event that is fun and relaxing, while allowing delegates to social all will raising funds to support students. The BBQ event occurs during each AAC Annual Conference and through admission fees and a live auction events, the BBQ generates funds for the Student Endowment Fund.
Student Awards
There are 3 categories of student awards; 1) travel, 2) presentation and 3) scholarships. For more information, refer to the AWARDS page.
Travel Awards are awarded post conference. Students who meet the required criteria ca apply to the Outreach and Recognition Committee for reimbursement of transportation, accommodation, and/or conference registration.
Presentation Awards are judged by AAC members and evaluations are collated by the Outreach and Recognition Committee. The top oral and poster presentations are awarded based on overall score.
Student Scholarships are valued at $1,000 each, with up to three student scholarships awarded each year.
Volunteer/Network Opportunities
With discounted registration, and potential awards, the AAC encourages student members to participate in the annual conference – not only in a presentation capacity, but also as a volunteer.
Student volunteers not only ensure that the conference runs smoothly, it also provides an opportunity for students to connect with those involved in aquaculture in Canada and beyond. For more information, refer to the CONFERENCE page.