About Us

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      About Us

      The Aquaculture Association of Canada (AAC) is a registered charity with a mandate to transfer information between the various sectors of the aquaculture community. It does this by organizing workshops and conferences on topical issues, publishing the proceedings of these events, and supporting students through scholarships, travel bursaries, and best-paper awards.

      The Benefits of Joining the AAC

      1. To foster an aquaculture industry in Canada, to promote the study of aquaculture and related science in Canada, to gather and disseminate information relating to aquaculture, and to create public awareness and understanding of aquaculture;
      2. To promote, support, and encourage educational, scientific, and technological development and advancement of aquaculture in Canada;
      3. To gather and disseminate technical and scientific information on aquaculture development in Canada and throughout the world;
      4. To conduct seminars for the presentation, exchange, and discussion of information, findings, and experiences on all subject and techniques related to aquaculture;
      5. To encourage the teaching of all phases of aquaculture and the training of aquaculture and the training of aquaculturists in accredited colleges and universities in the field of aquaculture; and
      6. To encourage private industry and government agencies, both provincial and federal, to support education, research and development.

      AAC carries out these objectives primarily through our annual meeting Aquaculture Canada where we hold workshops, seminars, contributed papers and posters and discussions. We also publish the Bulletin of the AAC. Proceedings of the annual general meeting are published under the Special Publications series.

      Just some of the benefits of joining the AAC include a subscription to AAC Publications and World Aquaculture magazine, discounts on registration fees at AAC conferences and workshops, and much more.

      Join Now

      Just some of the benefits of joining the AAC include a subscription to AAC Publications and World Aquaculture magazine, discounts on registration fees at AAC conferences and workshops, and much more.

      Join Now