The AAC is led by a volunteer Broad of Directors who are assisted by two AAC employees – the Office Administrator and Conference Manager. Each Director is elected by majority vote of the membership for a 2-year term. The Board of Directors is led by Officers who are nominated from within the BOD by the Executive Committee and elected by the Directors. Officer are elected for a period of one (1) year, more or less and include the President, President-Elect, Vice President Treasurer and Secretary. Officers who are elected to the roles of Vice President, Secretary or Treasurer may be re-elected to serve two (2) or more consecutive terms.
Past President – Daria Gallardi
President – Tiago Hori
President Elect – Cyr Couturier
Vice President – Sarah Cook
Treasurer – David Stirling
Secretary – Eric Ignatz
Director – Marcia Chiasson
Director – Stefanie Colombo
Director – Flora Salvo
Student Rep. – Shelby Clarke
Interested in joining the AAC Board of Directors?
Elections are held annually. Any eligible AAC member can be nominated to have their names added to the ballot!