Board of directors

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      2024-2025 AAC Directors

      The AAC is led by a volunteer Broad of Directors who are assisted by two AAC employees – the Office Administrator and Conference Manager. Each Director is elected by majority vote of the membership for a 2-year term. The Board of Directors is led by Officers who are nominated from within the BOD by the Executive Committee and elected by the Directors. Officer are elected for a period of one (1) year, more or less and include the President, President-Elect, Vice President Treasurer and Secretary. Officers who are elected to the roles of Vice President, Secretary or Treasurer may be re-elected to serve two (2) or more consecutive terms.

      Interested in joining the AAC Board of Directors

      Elections are held annually. Any eligible AAC member can be nominated to have their names added to the ballot!

      Looking for a copy of our bylaws or minutes?